Angi Mead

Angi Mead

Trying to be normal since everyone else is "unique"
255 Hits - Feb 9, 2024, 4:04 PM - Angi Mead
In recent years, genetic testing has become increasingly popular, with millions of people turning to companies like 23andMe to learn more about their ancestry, health risks, and other genetic traits. However, the recent hack of 23andMe, which exposed the data of 92 million users, has raised serious concerns about the security of personal genetic information and the potential misuse of this sensitive data. This article will discuss the details of the hack, its implications for the genetic testing industry, and the steps that individuals and companies can take to protect their genetic data.
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Jan 30, 2024, 2:23 PM - Angi Mead
The advent of DNA testing sites has revolutionized the way people approach their health and ancestry. With a simple swab...
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