The Room A.I. Review

Tommy Wiseau's The Room from June 27, 2003, is a so bad it's good movie. Tommy Wiseau stars as Johnny and Greg Sestero stars as Mark. This is my review of the movie. 


The Room was released in 2003 the same year my Gen Z significant other was born. I personally think Tommy Wiseau is an alien from outer space and there's nothing that the government can do or say to convince me otherwise. The plot follows Johnny, a banker who owns a vampire car that can fly through the air. Johnny's favorite hobby is to throw a football around while wearing a tuxedo.


After losing his job at a San Francisco bank he decides to pursue a life of crime by robbing banks with Mark. This is where we find out about Tommy Wiseau's true alien intentions as a director because in all seriousness this movie was filmed like it had been shot on a video camcorder from the 1980s. My Gen Z significant other wondered why the quality of the movie looked so bad. I told them that Tommy Wiseau is an alien and doesn't know what he's doing when filming movies. Some people say that Tommy is from Poland but I know the truth I know that he's really an alien from outer space. 


The Room has many main problems for me personally as a die hard progressive, they're not your typical Hollywood film issues, instead, these are very deep seeded social justice concerns, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, age discrimination, class inequality, etc., which made me feel extremely uncomfortable watching The Room, my Gen Z significant other says I was just being a sensitive snowflake. I considered The Room to be offensive in this day and age. The plot follows Johnny and Mark in this poorly written and poorly acted crime drama about two guys who rob banks while wearing tuxedos while throwing footballs around. The major problem with The Room was its blatant disregard towards gender equality, especially considering how there were no women in this movie it was sexist beyond belief! The most difficult part about reviewing a movie like The Room was trying to figure out if I should use my analytical skills or emotional intelligence in order to make sense of this movie. 


My Gen Z significant other says I have no intelligence and just emotions. They're part of MAGA so their opinion doesn't matter anyway. Reviewing a movies like Tommy Wiseau's The Room was never easy but it had been even harder since evil Orange Man became president. Thank goodness Joe Biden saved the day in 2021 after he became president. My Gen Z significant other doesn't like Joe Biden and calls him Bradon and says 'Let's go, Brandon!' whenever they see his face on TV but I think he's the best president since Obama. 


Back to my review of Tommy Wiseau's movie. Johnny loves to collect spoons and likes to throw them around. The government won't admit that Tommy Wiseau is an alien. I think they will soon enough because Tommy Wiseau is definitely an alien. He's not human at all and that is why he makes movies that look and sound the way they do because he isn't human. 


I watched Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero on Space Ghost Coast to Coast and that's when I knew for sure that I wasn’t crazy that this man is an alien from outer space. Tommy is an alien and he has to keep his cover up by pretending he's from Poland. I think Tommy Wiseau is the worst director in history. Tommy talks to Space Ghost about the time he tried to convince Bill Murray to make Ghostbusters 3. Bill Murray said no as he has been doing since 1990. 


The end of the movie is when Johnny commits suicide...twice! I didn't understand why he did that. My Gen Z significant other asked me why he killed himself. I told them that I don't know and neither does anyone else. But I speculated that maybe it was deep and symbolic. My Gen Z significant other then told me that symbolism is bullshit and that I'm stupid and that I can't possibly know what the hell I am talking about. 


My Gen Z significant other is lucky that they are hot otherwise I would have broken up with them by now. My final thoughts on Tommy Wiseau's The Room is that I wouldn't recommend watching the movie. It's offensive and I found myself getting angry while I reviewed the movie. I also felt disgusted by the lack of diversity, inclusivity, and equality. My Gen Z significant other thinks that I should stop acting like a bitch. I give Tommy Wiseau's The Room an 1 out of 10. 

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